Sunday, January 30, 2011

Neglecting My Blog

I just can't seem to stay in the groove of blogging on a regular basis. I really want to. I just haven't found a way to do it. Maybe if I schedule a certain time every few days to sit down and write I'll finally get in to the routine. So what's new since I last wrote?

Personal life: We had a wonderful holiday break. My 28th birthday was a blast. My son broke his toe...swinging his legs under his desk and accidentally kicked the leg of the table. He's such a train wreck.

Purple Monkey life: The site is undergoing a full renovation. I've been doing extensive research on Google rankings and social media marketing and I have all sorts of cool new ideas to integrate in to the site. I am working on a newsletter explaining all of the new services so please sign up for the newsletter so you're the first to find out when these fun new things are rolling out!

I have lots of new pictures to put up on here but I'm about to leave for lunch so I'll blog again tonight! Yes, twice in ONE DAY!!